As Head of Search, I created links and article placements for Casinopedia which contributed to taking the website visitors from zero to 29,800 visitors per month. This site has a commercial SEO traffic value of £42,000-45,000 per month. It is operating in the most competitive market in the world and achieved these numbers within 10 months.

casinopedia value

Riverside Dental Norwich
I have worked with Bim Sawhney for some time. During our 7+ year relationship, I have successfully maintained his domination and this predictable business and enquiry level has helped Bim to confidently grow his business and add to the team, which is now 20 strong.

Riverside Dental SEO
We have been pivotal in a website rebuild, taking RD from a concrete5 platform into a modern WordPress system. The SEO value is £2000 per month for RD
I started to as a project to help smaller businesses survive online. It has been a very strong result in just 3 months the SEO value exceeds £627 per month if I were to buy the traffic I am getting.

We are excited to see what else we can do with the website and I am working with a number of smaller customers to transform their prospects while launching my own projects to dominate the local markets.

Burghwood Landscapes
I have worked with Mike and Lesley Smith for 12 years during this time we have grown their business slowly but in 2017 it had it's best trading year to date.
Mike is happy to know that we are on hand to make any updates and changes to his website and make adjustments to keep the website strong online. Over the last 12 years, we have redesigned the site 4 times each time it has retained its ranking and commercial value. In one week Mike received two enquiries from the website which he won, with a value of over £100,000 to the company.
This is my own site to test and investigate the Gambling/ iGaming market. It is a great domain and has some sensible global traffic. I use it to demonstrate my ability to achieve rakings with few backlinks in a very competitive space.