What is Gambling SEO?
Well, it is the most competitive type of SEO and it can be significantly more aggressive than traditional SEO. Within the Gambling sector the appetite for links and heavy-hitting search optimisation is high.
Why is SEO in the gaming industry so competitive?
Because the stakes are so high, millions in revenue are secured with organic SEO every year and with the online landscape changing as much as it does, it is incredibly important for gambling sites to consume links and focus on tweaking and updating their architecture to maximise the competitive edge. The other reason SEO is so important is that the average cost per click (CPC) for Pay Per Click (PPC/Google Ads) is so high an example of this is the CPC for the term Online Casinos £76.00 per click) The initial investment in an SEO campaign can therefore pay dividends as the yield can be very cost-effective as results can last for months.

Online Gambling SEO companies UK
What are five key factors more important in the Gambling sector?
1) Inbound Gambling Links
The consumption of links is 5 to 10 times higher in the online casino market than in other equally competitive markets, which means that Googles measure of the average site profile is exaggerated. For example, if everyone on the team is muscular and 6ft tall, then letting a little 4ft 2in microsite with a skinny or bloated profile is not going to cut it! This would be like comparing Navy Seals to Scouts, it looks unnatural and obvious. Inbound links from well-placed articles and from quality websites will make the difference, stagger them and punch a few in, consider link juice and the pages you want to drive. Use image links, branded links and contextual links from rich content articles. You should try to vary your sources and work hard for the links you gain. Have an opinion, establish a narrative give other sites a reason to link to your website.
2) Casino Site Speed
In a market where user experience so important, slow loading sites are a big no-no. In fact, a slow loading site can mean the end of your online casino as it tumbles down the rankings. This is now truer than ever with Googles update in Early August 2018, which places more emphasis on site loading on mobile and desktop with some of the largest sites paying the price of slow loading. With around 209 contributing rank metrics every detail counts.
3) User Experience - UX
Ensuring that you add value to the site user and then take them to the right site and right page or offer is important. The experience creates trust and trust is important to conversion and user experience. A good user experience will ensure that you get great traction with your users, which means longer visits and lower bounce rates and often an affinity to your website.
4) On-Page SEO
Of course, on-page SEO is important, if you do not optimise your content for the user then you are not delivering the right content in the first place. Making sure that you keep the content fresh and focused will mean that the page is rewarded by Google for its relevance and UX. Ensuring that the content is easy to read, understand and absorb will undoubtedly support the length of time a user stays engaged with your content.
5) Gambling Content Quality
Long gone are the days when loading poor quality content on to your blog to help keep the site beyond and relevant. The quality of the content you post is now more important than ever before - How it helps the user, whether it answers the question and how it positions your site or your people as experts are crucial. Find an angle, establish your niche or a style that resonates with your users, ask yourself why. Why am I writing this, what will it achieve, how will it help my users, what does it say about my site. Will it build trust and loyalty, does this align with the content strategy?

Simon Griffith Digital Professional
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