Freelance SEO Services
Do you need freelance SEO Norwich? So you have probably reached this site because you need some help with SEO OR you realise the importance, perhaps someone has told you how important it is but you are not really sure what it's all about?
Well, let the experts explain just a little more about this science and mystical thing that is search engine optimisation.
Firstly you should be optimising your site, why? Well, it is like preparing for a race the better prepared you are the more likely you are to win!
SEO is a long game it is not fast like PPC, which is why some people may also tell you it doesn't work if that were true business like ours would not exist and PPC management would be the only game in town.
Why is this type of SEO effective?
It's relatively low cost
Freelance SEO is ideal for most small and medium-sized businesses as Freelance optimisation is normally low cost, £160 to £1000 per month for businesses which is great value for sales lead generation 24 hours a day 7 days a week, 365 days a year. It costs less than employing a full-time marketing or SEO person.
SEO is a long-term strategy
Because SEO is a long play and can take 3-6 months to yield, the low-cost freelance solution makes it affordable while things establish and start to kick off. That is not to say immediate results are not achievable, they are but fluctuations can occur so settle in and hold on, the rewards will come and they are many.
Freelancers work with multiple SEO customers
What, I am not the only one? - Nope, but that is advantageous too! How? Well by working with a variety of sites, business types and industries freelance SEOs are aware of changes in Google algorithms and upcoming issues. They work with a broad view and can ascertain ranking problems and isolate solutions much more quickly than an in-house SEO, why because their view of the search landscape is wider and encompasses more markets.

Freelance Seo Norwich
10 SEO Free Tips For Your Online Strategy
1) Make sure you have Google Analytics added to your website, this will ensure that you can understand your users, without some sort of tracking how will you know who your customers are and where they come from?
2) Implement a sitemap, make sure it is set up correctly, perhaps re-submit it to google webmaster tools to ensure that the main pages on your site are indexed correctly.
3) Check your robots txt file or htaccess, these files instruct the major search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing and Youtube that your site is ok to index and can provide specific hierarchy structures to add priority to key pages.
4) Ensure that your pages are focused on fewer terms, 1 main term with 4-5 long-tail variations to support this.
5) Optimise your linking structure, makes sure that you are not reducing the link juice on certain pages by providing too many or too few links to them. It is better to link back to key pages through content on your homepage.
6) Compress your images, heavy sites provide a reduced user experience, especially important to mobile users now, which make up some 60% of all users. Make sure your site loads quickly.
7) Adapt your site for responsive mobile and tablet use. Google uses mobile-first as a metric to measure websites so make sure yours is mobile-first.
8) Ensure that your page title and H1 contain your target keyword or phrase. This will help both Google and the user to understand the purpose of the page and its relevance to them.
9) Keep your main keyword focus towards the top of the page content. But keep it natural, stuff a page with key terms that are unnatural is considered black-hat and subject to penalisation.
10) Track your progress weekly and adjust, test, adjust and repeat. This is the long game, not a short one. It is important that you persist. SEO can take 2-3 months to show results, depending on the industry it may take even more.
These are 10 great tips to help you with your SEO, but if you want to speak with our SEO Experts call 08451 303 404
We offer a completely FREE appraisal and provide genuine recommendations if you then want to work with us, that's your choice there is no hard sell, that's just not how we do things.

Simon Griffith Digital Professional
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