Looking for Copywriters Norwich?
If you are looking for regular blog posts or copywriters Norwich, then SEO Norwich can help. We provide a selection of options for supporting your content publishing. Our blog writing services are renowned for their results whether it is medical, dental, printing, tech or gambling-relatedblogs – We can do it all and do it well.
This page has been created to give you some guidance on the best ways to write a blog post and nine things to remember when creating an article for your website.
In this article:
• Read about SEO and blogging
• Seven tips for writing a great blog post.
• Download our guide completely FREE
SEO Copywriters
It is difficult to find affordable blog writers who understand the good quality content and the SEO balance – After all, what is the point in writing a fantastic article if no one will ever read it? So it is clear that you must write well-structured articles which answer the user's search query but provide you with visibility and readers. For example, you are looking for blog writing or support with your project, so our tips are helpful and perhaps you might then also consider opening a conversation with us to see how cheaply we can deliver blistering SEO driven article content.
We can write affordable blog posts
After many years in the business we have cultivated a selection of regular writers who are articulate in a number of core subjects, so you know you are getting the best product or subject positioning.
9 Tips on how to write a great blog post
1) Research your material
2) Keep it simple
3) Activate your reader
4) Use images
5) Ensure the H1, H2 & H3 titles align with the content
6) Bullets and summaries help
7) Linking to citations and experts.
8) Article length
9) Internal Linking
1) Research your article
It sounds obvious, but you need to use google to confirm your article content is being searched for and that it is relevant to your website and industry. It is always worth spending 20 mins to half an hour looking to see the content is right, if people are not looking then you are just writing content for content's sake. We recommend using google search bar and seeing the auto suggestions google returns, these are a great way to check who’s searching for what and other blog titles similar to yours.
2) Keep it simple
By keeping your blog post simple and obvious, you are keeping the subject clear. Do not lose your reader in the content or they will simply go elsewhere – Find the other essential tips below.
3) Activate your reader
Ensure your content has a purpose or is useful to the reader – Although we are offering blog writing in Norwich and Norfolk, our page also provides tips for writing a great blog post and the seven recommendations to help you write a great article.
4) Use images in your content
Using images is important, it keeps attention and supports your content, after all, a picture says a thousand words. Breaking up a text heave page will maintain your readers' attention, it will lead them through your page and hopefully encourage them to get in touch.
5) Structure your content
Large swathes of content can be a lot for a reader to digest, so the best practice is to keep paragraph’s short and simple, to provide visual keys to the reader on the importance of certain content, more importantly, well-structured content can be read more easily by Google and consequently performs better online
6) Bullets and summaries
Bullets are important and so it a summary or introduction to the content, tell the user what the page is about early, so they can make a decision early whether your article is right for them. After all, there is nothing more frustrating to someone with limited time or trying to scan read your website than getting to the end of an article and realising that there was no benefit for them or the article did not answer their question.
7) Link to external sources
It is never a good idea to just take the opinions of one person into consideration, in life we meet people and their opinions might be wildly off topic, blog posts can be the same, the online rantings of an insular individual, so a well-cited article is crucial to gain authority online. How should you link to external resources? – Well reference a good quality high authority source, this has the power to influence and change the views of others or emote an affinity to your services and offers.
8) Article Length
If someone can talk about a subject for longer then you generally consider them an expert in their field or an authority on the subject. Google is the same, it rewards extended content which investigates, educates or challenges – Why because it is normally better researched and more credible.
9) Internal Linking
If you have linked out to authorities that are fantastic but do not forget to establish yourself as an expert. If your content strategy is right, then you will have a selection of similar or related material which you can then link to. In an 800 word article 2-3 internal links should be enough. The benefits of internal linking are that if and when someone else links to your content the domain authority (DA) they pass over is then distributed within your internal pages. This metric is considered by Google when ranking your pages.
We hope that you found this summarised content interesting if you did, then why not download the illustrated PDF guide to help you check your content structure, proposition and results here: LINK
Don’t forget we can also provide you with guidance on the content strategy you are implementing to maximise your return on effort.

Simon Griffith Digital Professional
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